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5G Festo Smart Production

The 5G Smart Production is focused on implementing robotics and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) into traditional packing and assembly lines. This smart production is used in various research projects and in educating students and visitors about Industry 4.0.

5G Festo Smart Production

The 5G Smart Production is focused on implementing robotics and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) into traditional packing and assembly lines. This smart production is used in various research projects and in educating students and visitors about Industry 4.0.

A central element to the production lab is the Festo Didactic Smart Production Line. This plant is used by students, researchers and companies alike for the following activities:

  • Platform for teaching smart production technologies and Industry 4.0
  • Playground for students, researchers and industrial partners to collaborate and develop solutions to industrial problems
  • Hosting learning games for companies that are progressing towards industry 4.0
  • Demonstrating the capabilities of 5G, WiFi6 and other network technologies in a production environment

What is produced?

The smart production line produces dummy phones that can be customized with different colored plastic, electronics, and fuses.
